Word of the Year: Quality

Settling on a word or intentions for 2021 was a little different than in the past. 2020 was such a challenging year for many of us, but there still were a lot of positive shifts and small glimmers of hope that pulled through.

If you’re interested in my 2020 word of the year, check out the blog post that goes over my reasoning of choosing a word vs. setting strict, old-school resolutions. 

I’m welcoming in 2021 with a growth mindset and excited to elaborate on my word of the year—quality. 


Quality of Connections

This past year really showed me how you can still have strong connections with others, even if you’re not able to see them in real life. I built some of my strongest business relationships in 2020 through Facebook groups, masterminds and Instagram. It quickly reminded me the importance of quality connections, whether it’s potential clients, collaborators or other creatives, and how that can fuel your business and give you a sense of community as a solopreneur.

I’m looking forward to continuing to nurture my current collaborations and seek out new for 2021. Hello more Zoom calls, and hopefully in-person coffee dates (fingers crossed).


Quality of Services

At the end of 2020 I decided to sunset one of my core service offerings—brand photography. It was something I had really enjoyed doing over the years, but had this deeper drive to simplify and allow myself to really hone in on branding and web. I’ve got some amazing brand photography referrals, so I know my future clients will love to work with them, as I strongly believe brand photography is part of the foundation of any company. And I’m so excited to continue to dive further into my ever-evolving brand and website design process.


Quality of Balance

I know for many the word balance doesn’t exist. In 2020 I had big plans on traveling, but that all came to a screeching halt early in the year. So instead of travel, I took on more projects, which was fine to do in that season. In 2021, I’m planning to spend some quality time away from work to refresh, rejuvenate and to give myself breaks throughout the year. This will help me avoid burnout and to truly be excited about each and every project.

And that’s it! This is the general framework I’ll use to infuse quality in 2021. Wishing you all a successful, strong and beautiful year!


Looking for more inspiration?


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